Friday, December 30, 2011


Not only has Logi-boy been keeping me busy, but I've been crocheting like crazy! I made Logan an adorable owl hat and a beard for his camo hat. For Audrianna and Timmy I made them Hello Kitty and a doggie hat. For her birthday I made her Hello Kitty mittens and a matching scarf. Phew! THEN I made two scarves for Christmas also. I made 3 beard hats (made $20 each on those!) and I have an order for another one today! Yay! Then... I made a pair of super huge slippers.. the huge part was an accident. They don't even fit me. What a waste. They fit Andrew, though. :) The flower was a nice touch ;) Then I made a pair in the right size for me, and I like the color better. Tomorrow when we go pick up our new truck, (!) I'm going to look into fleece for a lining for my slippers and maybe some kind of tread for the bottom. We'll see how that goes. Now that I finished my stuff to craft I'm looking for something else to make! I have a tote full of yarn but I feel like I need to buy more. Is that a sickness? Hmm... What to make...

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

random thoughts

Look at those rolls!
Oh he is getting so big. Did you know that my baby will be half a year already on Monday!!!?
He is a pro now at opening presents. Just put a wrapped present in front of him, show him a good piece to rip and there he goes!
Shopping is officially not fun anymore. Especially in the cold. And when it's windy. And did I mention cold?
We're getting a new truck! Ford Expedition. Seats 8! Sunroof! HEATED leather seats! DVD player! YAY!
Logan's going to be a singer. :)
Brownie is Logan's favorite family member. He thinks she is hilarious. All she has to do is chew a ball in front of him and he's laughing hard.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Logan - 5 months, 6 days

Logan is now sitting up without support for a few minutes at a time!
He thinks the dog is the most fascinating thing in the room and watches her walk all around. When she comes close by he puts his hand in front of her mouth and tries to get her to lick him. When his plan works he laughs and laughs.
He talks to me. More like yells.
He found his feet and likes to suck on his toes when they are not covered.
Logan loves to watch the computer screen saver. He knows right where I keep the computer, and always looks right at it waiting for it to move.
He scratches at everything. When the remote is within reach he scratches at it until it falls.
This baby loves to be undressed. That's how he is happiest.
He is quick! Go ahead and put a hot cup of tea in front of him and he'll tip it over faster than you think.
I love this baby!

Monday, December 5, 2011

He knows....

uh oh...
he sits at the high chair with a try full of toys.
he swats at a toy
hears it hit the floor
spots it on the floor
swats at another toy
hears it hit the floor
spots it on the floor
yells at me with a big smile until i pick them up

Friday, December 2, 2011

Great News!

Yay! My wedding ring is too big! Isn't that a true sigh of weight loss/gain? after I had Logan and could finally get it off, I had it made bigger... now we get to go make it smaller! I'm so excited!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Sorry no pictures :)

Mostly because I'm too lazy to go get the other computer out. I have to eventually because I need to hook it up to the scanner so I can email a picture for the newspaper.
Logan is so adorable though. His little teeth are trying so hard to get through, but haven't succeeded yet.
Monday, he started with a little cough. I called the doctor's office to ask if there was anything preventative to give him, but they couldn't answer that without seeing him first. She listened to his lungs, looked in his ears and nose. She said it's just a cold and to give him more probiotics. I kinda felt like an over-protective mom, but they said with him being so young it was good to bring him in. I did find out that he grew an inch and a pound, though. He is now 14 pounds, 4 ounces! Little chunker. Well his cough is much worse today, so now I don't feel as paranoid now because it makes you sad listening to his little cough. It's so pathetic. He's still happy though.
Our Christmas tree is all set up and decorated. The house is all Christmasy! There's a Christmas CD in the player. All we need is presents :) Andrew's is on order. He picked it out. He's getting his deer mounted. I ordered Logan's on Monday. (ha, it's shoes, but he won't care this year.) But, so far that's all I've got. My brain isn't working so well this year. I have no idea what to get anyone. Oh, Brownie is done, too. She's getting two big bones.

So I've got to go check on my little sick baby. He's been napping for over 2 hours now.

Friday, November 4, 2011


How come you never hear someone say, "I'm as busy as a mom with a small baby"? How busy is a bee really anyways? Or a beaver? Or maybe it doesn't help that I volunteer in the school every week and have 7+ piano students.

Logan had a doctor's appointment today. He weighs 13 pounds and some ounces. (I stopped listening after the 13. lol) He rolled over for the nurse, and he has 2 top teeth coming in and one bottom one.

He's really getting so big. He was lounging here, in his boppy seat and he sat himself right up.

We started solid foods about a week and a half ago. Logan has always been a great sleeper. Right about 3 days after bringing him home he slept in 4-hour intervals through the night. At a month he was doing 4-6 hours, at 2 months he was doing 6-8 and every so often 9 hours. About two or three weeks ago he went back to 4 hours. every. night. >:-| Some mothers at church had told me I should try solids. My plan was to start him on solids as late as possible, but if it meant back to normal sleep, I'd try anything. I'm going to try to make his baby foods, but I was so desperate one day that I just went to the store and bought 3 jars of sweet potatoes. (The baby food book I have suggested it was one of the good "first foods") He loved them. Picture above. The second time I fed him, I put the spoon full of food in front of his mouth, and he grabbed my hand, and pulled it in. He knew what to do! He ate his food all up with no problem. After he was done, I put a bottle with water in front of him, on his highchair and he picked it up and put it right in his mouth! Andrew and I just looked at each other with our jaws dropped! How did he get so big so fast?
He's had sweet potatoes, rice cereal, and bananas so far. The doctor gave the okay for other fruits and vegetables, too. Yay for peas! :) Oh, and grandma-great gave him his first ice cream, and the next day he ate sweet potatoes from the table, and some ice cream cake!
Hes trying so hard to tell us stories, it's so funny. He'll look at you, grab your cheeks with his slobbery hands, pull in, and give you a big open-mouthed kiss. I don't think that's what he's intending, but I like to think it. He blows bubbles, laughs, and talks so much now. Bath time has always been his favorite. He'd splash away for hours if I'd let him.
I just got out his 6-9 month size for one piece outfits. The other size was getting a little snug. His pants still fit... his waist it still small, believe it or not.
I spent a lot of money on that nice camera of mine, but I mostly use my phone for pictures now. I need to take a few minutes some day to delete some pictures from my memory card. I'm sure I don't still need the last sportsman dinner or even my bridal shower pictures anymore!!!!!
Oh yeah, that reminds me that Logan had his pictures taken at Sears on Wednesday. I had a coupon for $7.99 to get 26 prints in one pose. What a great deal, right? Even though I just had Julia take pictures last month.I was determined to not let them talk me into getting anything more than that. Ha. Well I can't help it my baby's so darn cute!!! I ended up spending $110. BUT in my defense, I got a smile saver club thingy which gets me a free 8x10 at every visit and buy one get one free Monday through Thursdays. And there's lots of pictures for family and for scrapbooking. That reminds me.... I need to start Logan's scrapbook. Maybe next naptime. :) If I remember.
Oh, and it doesn't help me with my busy-ness issue that I was cleaning my house all week for a party last night. Its messy again already, but it was clean for the party and that's all that counts.
Okie dokie... I typed a lot more than I thought I was going to. It's good though. Now I can forget it and have room in my head to remember other stuff.

Friday, September 23, 2011

My Baby Rolled Over!!!

I was putting Logan to sleep this morning in his playpen. I put him down on his belly. After putting him down I made some breakfast and sat down to eat it. I looked over and saw a little head poking up. There was little Logan with his head up. I grabbed my phone to take a picture of him like that to send to Andrew and was gunna say how he was supposed to be sleeping. Next thing I know he rolled over!! So I sent that picture:

It may have been an accident, but he did roll over! My little baby is getting so big!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Logan's Birth Story

Here we are, two months later, and I never recorded Logan's birth story. He's growing so quickly and details are fading. I just wanted to take a minute (or hour) to jot down memories from those days. Warning: It's very long

Thursday, June 30th I had a dr. appointment. She said I was dialated 1 1/2 cm. The same as the last 3 visits. No change and no need to be induced. :( On my way out I made my appointment for the next week's checkup. I chatted with the receptionists for a few minutes and we talked about castor oil and water breaking.
On my way home I stopped at CVS and got a bottle of castor oil in case I got desperate. I had already tried black and blue cohosh twice in the last week. I had tried everything else on the list of natural inducers.. We took walks, ate pineapple, bounced on a ball, and ate spicy Mexican foods.
That night Andrew insisted I take the castor oil. I olny did if he would take olive oil at the same time. I wasn't going to swallow that nasty stuff and him not have to suffer with something, too. After that, back to bouncing on my ball.. yay. lol
About an hour later, the castor oil kicked in. The laxative part.. Woweee....
I woke up in the middle of the night, like usual to use the bathroom. I felt a contraction.. When it finished, I went to the bathroom. Stupid castor oil.. Fifteen minutes later I was back in bed, then felt another contraction. That was 3:59 am.
Every five minutes after that I had another contraction. After 40 minutes I called my mom and she said to call the dr. The guy who answered said he would contact the dr. and she'd call me back soon. After a while of waiting we just decided to go to the hospital without talking to her.
We tried calling again on the way and she finally called back and told us that we should go to the hospital. (duh) They were so consistent that Andrew could actually tell me when I was about to have a contraction. Sometimes I even had camelback contrations, when I'd finish one and start another.
We got to the hospital and didn't know where the entrance was. :) After we found it and found the right floor (!) I handed the nurse my papers. I didn't mail them in, I just kept them with me because all I could imagine was mailing them in, and going into labor before they got there. It was about 6 AM when we got into triage. I was fianlly at 3 cm! I was so happy for an improvement. I think we were in triage for 4 hours. The contractions began to slow down after a while. Being a week overdue now, the doctors decided to give me pitocin to move things along anyways.
The nurse took me for a walk around the floor, and then took me to the tub. That was so nice. I could stay there all day. After trying to relax a little there for almost an hour, we moved to my room. It was right next door. Shortly after getting set up there, my parents and Abbey arrived.
I was hooked up to an IV, and had penicillin. The baby didn't like the pitocin, so I was taken off of that. I had the contraction monitor, and the heartbeat mointor. After a while my arm began hurting around the IV. The nurse took it out and moved it to a different spot. I am not fond of needles whatsoever. Hours went by, and the contractions were getting worse and closer together, but I wasn't progressing. They decided to break my water. After that lovely procedure, the contractions got way worse. I decided to give up my hopes of a natural delivery. I asked for nubane. They said it would take the edge off the pain. When it kicked in I felt very sleepy. When the contractions came, I'd wake up in just as much pain as before. Right after it would finish, off I went into dreamland. It also made me very loopy. I'd wake up and say goofy things. I even had a dream that I was in the movie "Ice Age" and a tree fell, rolled down the hill, and rolled me over. After about two hours it wore off, and it was nothing but pain. The contractions were now coming 1 1/2 minutes apaart. It was one after another. The nurse told Andrew that I needed to get an epidural. I wan't going to make it. So, thirteen hours into the labor, I was sitting up in my bed, getting the epidural. About 5 minutes later, I was laying in my bed, eating a popsicle and smiling. I was having contractions and not even feeling them. It was wonderful.
Still, hours after the epidural, progress was very slow. The nurse was worried because I hadn't used the bathroom in a while. I tried, but I couldn't feel anything in my lower body. That evening they decided I needed a catheter.
Everytime the nurse changed any of my fluids in the IV it would hurt in my arm. I told her about it and after a few hours she changed my IV. again. She moved it to the other arm. I had a blood pressure cuff on the arm with the first two IVs. After she moved it IV every time my blood pressure was measured (every 15 minutes) the two sore areas from the IVs would become painful. They kept expiramenting with the pitocin. They'd put me on, and take me off. They'd put me on, and give me oxygen, and take me off. The oxygen mask was so annoying. It dried my mouth out, and made me crankier. :) It was a lovely night.
My family left about 7 am.
After being at 9 cm for a few hours a dr came in and told me that I might have to get a c-section. They were going to insert an internal contraction monitor. If it read that the contractions were as strong as they should be, I'd need to have one. They say it could be because he was measuring out on the ultrasound as almost 9 lbs, and because his head was tilted. A half hour after being on the new monitor, they came in and checked the recordings. The dr told me that we were going to have to go down to the other section of the floor, the c-section section. Just before hey started, she said she wanted to check me one more time. She told me to start pushing because I was finally fully dialated! Praise the Lord! No surgery! Andrew had called his mom and she made a few calls for prayer for a normal delivery.
Finally after 30 hours of labor I was pushing! I was almost done! I had 9 things hooked up to me, wired into me, or wired out of me.
Pushing wasn't as easy as I thought. :) Of course. They had me use the stupid oxygen again. That was the worst part, believe it or not. I asked if i could at least take it off my mouth while I was pushing if I put it back on between. (Sometimes I convenitently "forgot" but Andrew always remembered for me. >:-| )
Three hours later, at 1:21 PM Andrew witnessed the birth of Logan Matthew Young. He weighed 8 lbs. 1 oz and was 21 1/2 inches long. The long birth made his head long, so he lost an inch by the next day. It also made for no stitches! Those three hours of pushing only felt like 30 minutes.
He had some light hair, with a thicker patch on the top. His eyes were big and dark blue. I held him for the first time about 20 minutes after his birth. He was so precious. My mom wanted to come in to see him first, but I wanted to make sure his Daddy got to hold him before he got passed around.
I felt so tired for the next few hours. My face was so swelled up and I couldn't see straight. I felt so funny, and there was a lot of people visiting.
The next morning they fianlly took out the IV, and I could take a shower! :) When I was in the shower I thought it'd be a good time to take off my IV tape. Bandaids come off better when they're wet, right? And it's best to do it fast, right? NO! lol bad, bad, BAD idea. Skin came off! Two months later I still have a scar from that. I gave birth, and that's my scar.
I love my baby, and I don't want to forget the experience.

I love...

-baby smells
-a wadded up baby sock
-a sleeping baby
-big open-mouth smiles
-baby blankets
-cute cloth diapers
-a clean dog
-splashing feet in the bath tub
-a cuddly baby
-pulling warm baby clothes from the dryer
-baby drool
-hearing baby suck his fingers
-watching him on his belly, lifting his head
-extra time
-new baby clothes

...not all necissarily in that order. :)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

What in the World...

could be better than a sleeping (almost) 6-week old baby sleeping on your chest?

Friday, August 5, 2011

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Baby Photo Shoot :)

Logan was being just so cute today, so I took him to get some pictures done.. in my bedroom. He's been awake more during the day, which is a blessing. My mom and sister came over the other day to keep him entertained while I got my house cleaned. It felt SO nice to clean my house.

I got a brand new vaccum for my birthday. It's a bagless kind that you can see all the nasties that you suck up. My old vaccum wasn't very strong. So Monday when they came over so I could clean, I had to empty the vaccum twice! I could've made a whole new dog with all the dog hair I picked up!
So now my house is nice and pretty. :) I also went through two buckets of pre-baby clothes. I actually fit in most of my old shirts! Yay! Some of my skirts fit again, too. So now I can wear something different to church for once. I also went and picked up some clothes from Goodwill. Abbey went with me to the store for assistance with Logan if I needed it. I'm glad I took her because he doesn't seem to like Goodwill. He always fusses there.

So I had about five weeks of coupons to clip, times two. (My mom gives me her unwanted coupons.) Abbey and my mom actually did probably more than half of them on Monday. Then I'm going to sort them, alphabetize them, then file them with previously clipped coupons. I'm just taking a break right now. :) I challenged myself to see how much money we can save (not spend) for about two months. I'm going to try my hardest not to buy anything unless I can get it for a great price. The cloth diapers will help with this. I am really loving using them. I don't use them when we go out, and I don't use them at night, because (I hope) Logan sleeps for longer periods, and they don't hold the wetness as long. I could double up on the soakers, but I haven't gotten that far yet. Besides that, I am loving using cloth diapers. (So far) So, here is the cute baby in his camo diaper, ready to go hunting with his daddy. :)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Who Knew?

- getting up for 10 AM Sunday School would be "getting up early"?
- that I would actually enjoy finally getting around to cleaning the bathroom?
- finally finding time to make the bed at almost 2 PM wouldn't be that unusual?
- that after a 1:30 AM feeding, I can feel totally refreshed when I wake up to crying again at 6:30 AM?
- such a cute little boy could shoot out poop across the room if there's no diaper in the way to catch it!?
- you actually CAN forget to eat?
- it's possible to grow out of a newborn size in two weeks?
- you cold become so attatched to someone you've only known for even a few minutes?

- I could get from the auditorium to the nursery so fast after the preacher says, "Amen"?
- I could be so consious of how clean one's hands are when asking to touch my baby?
- I could be such a careful driver?
- I'd actually allow visitors to come into my house while it's messy?
- There'd still be a newspaper from three weeks ago on my coffee table, untouched?
- that four loads of laundry would finally get folded after days of sitting right outside the dryer?
- I'd be in the mood for a yummy dinner, get out a cookbook, before I get to open it, go to tend to my baby, and three days later wonder how the cookbook got on the coffee table, and off it's shelf?
- someone almost 20 times smaller than me could burp 20 times louder than me?
- finally opening the curtains at 2 PM would be an improvement?
- someone could be so cute??

- in three weeks, I'd make dinner only three times, and feel like I've accomplished something great?
- a pacifier would be my new best friend?
- you could ruin your day if you forget the diaper bag?
- I would look forward to the next spare 10 minutes I find so I can paint my toenails?
- playing the piano again would be so much more enjoyable?
- a little face could be kissed so many times?
- I could jump up so fast at every little noise?
- I'd actually NOT feel like leaving the house?
- you could just stare at someone so long and not get bored?
- I'd still have my spring catalogs out when July is almost over?

- a baby could be sound asleep in your arms, but by the time you lower them one foot to lay them down, they're wide awake?
- dishes could pile up so fast?
- little fingernails could grow so fast?
- and are so hard to clip?
- baby carriers were so heavy?
- the box of "Thank You" cards would still be sitting on the table, waiting to be put away, after a week and a half?
- there could be three usable burp cloths around the house somewhere, but when you need one, you can't find one?
- you could keep one eye on the preacher and one on the cell phone at the same time?
- I could score tests and feed my baby at the same time?
- bags I brought home from the hospital with me are still waiting to be unpacked and put away?
- I only really need one arm to do anything? (imagine how much more I'll be able to get done when I have two again!)

I wouldn't trade it for the world. :)

Can you believe it!?

My birthday is next Thursday, and I haven't even really thought about it! That's a first! I've been so busy.
Well no one cares about me ;) Logan had a Dr. appointment on Tuesday and weighed 8 pounds 4 ounces! He finally passed his birth weight. He's been very alert, lifting his head, and sleeping enough at night to keep Momma happy. :)
Andrew and I both have colds, and we're trying not to pass it along to Logan, but I think he might've gotten some of it. :(
We tried the cloth diapers, but I think he still needs to fatten up a little bit, because he keeps springing a leak. :)
I took some pictures of him sleeping the other night, but I have to wait to post them until Andrew leaves me his computer.
Well this is quite a random post, but that's how my mind's been working lately.

Friday, July 15, 2011


It's hard to believe that two weeks ago we were in the hospital ready to have Logan. (I was ready, anyways.... Logan obviously wasn't, yet.) I spent hundreds of dollars on my nice camera, and guess how many pictures I've taken on it these two weeks. Maybe 10. And they were all the same day. I've been spending my time enjoying him, and I forget to take time to remember. I'll definately try to get some pictures and videos in soon. I told Andrew this morning that I needed to try to take a video today. Just to remember. When Abbey was a baby I must have filled 10 video tapes of her. -I was 11 and was a huge dork, but atleast there's something to remember those days. Also, having a newborn is tiring. :) Who knew? ;) Everyone's hid it so well. Either that, or I'm just a big baby.
So far Logan's been to a softball game, Sunday night church, 4 Dr. appointments, one of Momma's Dr. appointments, Wednesday church, a lunch date with Daddy, Goodwill (not fun for babies, he thought), Aldi, and both grandparents' houses. He's just about grown out of newborn diapers. I say just about because I was putting him in the size 1 diapers, but he was going through diapers like they were going out of style, so in a small effort to save as many as possible, I put him back in newborns today. They're not too small yet, just the bigger ones looked like they fit better.
Yesterday we slept from the midnight feeding to 6:15! Yay! Then, he slept until 8:30! Momma's happy about that. Daddy would be, too, but he sleeps through either way. :) I was changing Logan's diaper last night during his midnight feeding, in his room and he was screaming really loud. He wasn't happy about that. I had to change his jammies and onesie also becaue there was something mysterious and wet on them. (It was dark, so I couldn't see.) It was funny, because after about 4 minutes of me and Logan wrestling, in stumbled Andrew, half sleeping. After I jumped a mile and screamed from being startled, he asked why he sounded like he was being murdered. Okay, maybe it's not as funny as I originally thought. I'm not quite sure why I wrote that, but it was kinda a lot of typing so I'm not erasing it. :)
So my Doctor suggested to lose the remaining baby weight I should take a probiotic, drink 80 (yes, 8-0!) ounces of water (every day), and take stroller walks everyday if possible. I still have about 35 pounds to lose if I want to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. I know, though that while I'm nursing I still might not lose the last few pounds.
So, all in all, we're doing good. We're still getting used to all the changes. Abbey's been a big help. She came Tuesday through Friday last week to help with all the cleaning, and with taking care of Logan while I took a nap or two to catch-up on rest from being in the hospital. After delivery, my feet and legs blew up to about 4 times thier normal size, so I had to lay down with my feet above my heart for a few days, at all times, unless I was doing something for myself (ie. bathroom trips) or for the baby (feedings, diaper). That was hard, especially after always trying to keep the house clean and orderly, and coming home and not being able to put stuff away for days! (Actually, that's today's goal. Putting everything else away.)
So, as I rest on the couch with a sleeping, cuddly baby on my chest, I bid you farewell for now. :)

Friday, July 8, 2011

Meet Logan

The past week has gone by so fast. It's hard to believe, first of all, that we have a son. Also, he is almost a week old already! Sorry it took so long to post pictures, but I had no energy :) So, here's just a few pictures I took today of my happy boy for the few precious moments he opened his eyes.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Logan Matthew Young

Born July 2, 2011 at 1:21 PM
8 pounds, 1 ounce. 21 1/2 inches long
33 hours or labor, 3 of which were pushing.
Dark blue eyes, blondish hair, Daddy's nose, very cute.
Pictures to follow.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Um... I don't even know what to call this..

Okay, well today we had a non-stress test to watch the baby's heartbeat, to make sure it was working good. We also had a device measuring contractions. Of course, the whole way to the appointment he was moving around and I had a few Braxton Hicks, but when I was strapped the the thingy, he moved a few times, then must've went to sleep. The last 15 minutes were so boring. lol. After that, we had an ultrasound. He must've still been sleeping, because he barely moved at all. I think we just decided that he's an uncooperative baby because during his last ultrasound he wouldn't let us see his face, and during this one, he had his hand in front of it again. Another obvious reason is that he didn't like his due date, so he's holding out on us. :) All this testing told them that he is just very comfortable, and is safe in there for a few more days if that's what he wants. yay. (not enthusiastic) The one lady did tell me, however, that he won't be in there more than a week.
So, still no exciting news yet. Still waiting.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Busy Day

Well, I've had busier, but for a 4-day over-due lady, it was enough.
Julie had planned on coming down to visit us and the baby today, on the 28th. Well, today came, the 28th, and no baby. :) So, I just went over to visit them. I went and played with Audrianna and Timmy before lunch.
After that, I made stops at Rite Aid, CVS, Goodwill, and Walmart. Boy, was I tired. I made one more stop after that. I bought another diaper, so that brings me up to 8 of this brand, and 13 total cloth diapers. They are currently on sale, too!
So I got home and had lots of ice cream to put away, as well as other tasty treats. :) I think I've had more cravings these last two weeks than the rest of the pregnancy.
The baby's been moving around a lot these last two days, like he's trying to figure out how to get outta there..

Friday, June 24, 2011

Not my thing..

I think that I need to stop saying that I am not a patient person. Everythime I say that, it seems God says, "Okay, let's work on that, then." I know if you pray for patience you should expect opportunities to show it. So I will pretend to be patient. :)
I did get a new phone this week, so that kept me busy for a few hours. Today I might go and walk around the Emporium. Just waiting for someone else to want to go with me. Brownie said she would, but I didn't have any dresses that would fit her. -I wouldn't want her to go shopping undressed, now, would I?
Sitting at home all day eveyday, watching these commercials really gets me wanting a pool. If you know me very well, you'd say that's strange, because I do not normally like swimming. In the last two years I think I went two times, And I was forced. lol.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

T-minus 2 days and counting

Lol... I guess it's like a launch..?? Anyways, still no baby.
I had my appointment today. She said everything is the same. I told her that I've been looking up natural labor inducers and bouncing on an exercise ball. She laughed. In fact, I'm bouncing on it now, as I type. So talented.. I've read a lot that the bouncing probably won't induce, but a friend from church said that after taking evening primrose and bouncing, she had one of her babies. So, my midwife (who doesn't seem very herbally and natural minded) and I discussed several differnt herbs. She said she personally tried black and blue cohosh and it gave her contractions close enough to put her into the hospital, and then they brok her water, and she delivered 38 minutes later. Hmm.. sounds tempting. She did say, though, that she would never do it again because the taste was so bad. Is it worth it? I guess it depends how desperate I get. I'll probably wait until at least tomorrow. I went to Lori's after my appointment, and bought the two tinctures. I'll have to read up on how much to take and how often. I think it said I can take it in juice. That doesn't sound as bad. My midwife said she held her nose, then used Listerine before she uplugged her nose... that's how bad it tasted. :)
I did, however, have a cantraction this morning. At it wasn't a whimpy Braxton Hicks thing. About quarter after 4 this morning there was a loud crash of lightning. I jumped out of my skin, Andrew jumped because I did, and Brownie flew out of the room. It was a loud crash. lol. I guess it scared the baby, too, because he wanted out. We waited, and no other contractions. So, no exciting news yet..

Monday, June 20, 2011


I'm not complaining. I have to tell myself that. Just waiting. I've never thought of myself as a patient person. That's why when I was in school I always said I'd never be a teacher. (big mocking laugh)
Now I know that only in God's timing the baby will come, but, last night while I was home with my balloon feet I was looking up things to help start labor. One site had black cohash, blue cohash, and castor oil. Then I googled where to get castor oil but the site I went to strongly advised against taking it because it gives you bad gas. :D SSSoooooo.... I think I'm convinced not to try it.
So Andrew thought I was going to have the baby on the 16th or 17th. Then, he now says he'd like the 20th (today) because his birthday is on the 20th of January. I'm thinking the 21st would be neat because it's the first day of summer. My due date isn't until Friday (24th). I was born on my due date because I was a good baby. So, any other guesses? Don't anyone dare say July 4th. That's not even funny.
But I will be doing some walking today because I need to go grocery shopping. I just discovered we only have 1 1/2 rolls of toilet paper left, and with my current bladder condition, that won't last very long. And I found some good deals at CVS this week that I can't pass up. But first I think I'm going to take a motorcycle ride to Darien Lake to ride some roller coasters. I'll let-chya know how that goes ;)

Friday, June 17, 2011

Wonderful Air

I love air conditioning! I never have felt this way before. I usually like to be warm and cozy even in the summer, but this year I'd rather be cold and chilly. Maybe that will change in a few weeks?

Oh yes, I am 39 weeks today. 7 days until my due date. That's one week. (I know that's an obvious statement, I was just saying it for emphasis.) I know he could come anytime, but it seem like it will never happen. :)

The boy's room is finally all done! We brought a bookshelf in today and set it all up. We really need a mattress, but it's on its way, and he doesn't need to use his crib yet. But, his room looks done. That's all that really matters to me right now. I took pictures of his room, but I'm too lazy to get out the other computer. This one doesn't let me upload pictures to blogger.

I ate a whole pinapple yesterday. I've started on another one today. We're determined to have this baby. lol. We also had Mexican last night, and the strangest thing happened.. I ate chips and salsa. It's strange because I don't like salsa. We also walked arounf Walmart, and across the restaurant parking lot to the verizon store.. Maybe I'll get some ambition to take a walk with Brownie today. (She also likes pineapple.. she gets my scraps.)

Okie doke. all this food talk is making me hungry, so I'm off to get some fruit.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Does anybody have any chocolate?!?! I'm on the hunt for anything. Hershey kisses, anything.... forget the pineapple, I need chocolate!

still here..

So I had my appointment yesterday to check on the boy. I know I haven't reached my due date yet, but I'd really like him to come early. I found a list of natural enducers. We already tried spicy foods, and that didn't quite work. Monday night Brownie and I walkled to the end of the driveway and back about 5 or 6 times. (I didn't want to get too far down the road and realize I should've turned around a while ago.) Then I got adventrous and went to the stop sign (21) and back. I thought that was close enough. Then I went down the other way a little bit and turned around. I thought that was good enough. If it wasn't for my feet I could've kept going. So anyways, then I saw that fresh pineapple might help. I didn't have any fresh, but I had canned, and so I gave it a shot. Still nothing. So yesterday I stopped at walmart and picked up 2! :) I didn't have the ambition to cut it up... but I bought them. lol.
So the baby is still the same, she said. She felt his head though!
Today I'm going to try to go grocery shopping so we have food after the baby's born. And plus, maybe the walking will help. Then I'll come home for some pinapple? We'll see.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Ready when he is....

Here's a peek in the boy's top drawer. I currently only have 3 cloth diapers. In an effort to help save some money we plan to use these when we're home. (We stands for me and the boy, lol. Andrew doesn't want to wash poop.) When we go places we'll (or I'll) put a disposable diaper on him. The ladies in the nursery will appreciate it, and when we're at the mall or something I don't really want to carry around dirty diapers. I got a bunch of disposables anyways from showers. I think I have atleast 5 packages of size 1's so I'll use them up at first while we get used to schedules.
AAANNDDD.... He's got some super cute shoes there, too!! I know everyone says he probably won't wear them, but we got them, so I will atleast try!

He has a TON of onesies. These are just the newborn size and 0-3 mo. size! I actually want him to get his clothes dirty so he can get a chance to wear everything. :) -I'm half kidding, half serious.

And here are his hang-up clothes. He has more onesies, pants, and shorts than whole outfits. There are a few collared shirts there, though. I have a cute church outfit all ready for him, because he's got those cute dress shoes, so he has to wear them, even if it's only once.

Well Andrew went to watch the boring basketball game at my dad's so I'm home watching the repeats of America's Got Talent with my sleeping guard dog at the foot of the couch. She is so spoiled, and she's in for a rude awakening pretty soon. :)

Tomorrow is my first day of summer vacation! Or my retirement? Whatever. Lol. I'll enjoy it for however long it lasts. (Until the baby comes) I guess I'm over not being able to go to Gananda yesterday because I still have a whole summer ahead of me. There'll still be garage sales. That way I can do just one at a time, and I'll be getting around better... pushing around a stroller, maybe, but still I'LL be smaller, and hopefully my feet, too.

Tuesday is my next appointment, and I will probably be going to target to finish off my registry :) yay! Andrew came home with a pack and play, and a changing pad, so that takes off some of the expensive things that were on there. Now I can just get some clothes and blankets that I need. Ahh... things are coming together. Speaking of coming together, Andrew ordered the hardware to the crib and it should be here soon, so we can get it set up! We won't have a mattress until probably after he's born because I think we're getting one from Jack and Julie and they're comping down the 28th.

Well my nap from this afternoon is starting to wear off, and it's getting late. Brownie's already sleeping.

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Okay, I've been planning on going to Gananda Days (HUGE community garage sales) since before we found out about the baby. Guess what today is.... Gananda Days. Guess where I am. Well I'm typing on a computer instead of walking around wonderful garage sales.
My feet were really really swollen last night during the graduation ceremony. It seriously looked like balloons were wearing my shoes. :( So I got a nice foot rub when I got home and went to bed hoping they'd go down over night. Well this morning they look the same and everyone (except me) agreed it'd be best for me to stay home with my feet up. I think I've spent a total of 3 hours of my whole pregnancy with my feet up because I always feel like I could be doing something constructive. How can you do dishes, laundry, or other cleaning while lying down with your feet up?? It's quite hard. So, here I am while Andrew and Abbey are at those wonderful garage sales. I did, however, move the coffee table right up to the couch, and I put the remote, computer, phone, and tv guide right in arm's reach.
Only 13 days left until the due date, but the midwife said that she thinks it will be earlier. I'm not getting my hopes up because I think I'd cry if I really depeneded on going early and didn't. Stupid hormones. I've been crying over the dumbest things. There was a news thing on tv where the dog died, and someone gave it cpr - gross, but thats what it was - and I started balling. And later that night I was sitting on the bed and Andrew walked in, laughed at me, and said that I looked funny... more tears... I don't normally cry. Really. So then last night during the graduation I was fighting back tears but I wouldn't let myself cry like an idiot because that would've been very embarassing in front of everyone.
After Andrew's done garage sale-ing he has the Father's Day picnic, and then we have his cousin's wedding to attend. Busy day. And I am going to the wedding... I can't lie here all day. I'd go insane.
So I'm signing off... I'll just sit here and wait for my phone to send me more pictures of garage sale finds to approve or disapprove.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

37 Weeks, 1 day

So here's my big baby picture. I'm finding that lately when I see a picture of myself I don't always recognize myself. That's probably why I don't really take a lot lately. They're too big. :)

Oh, and Brownie wanted to be in the picture, too. She kept looking away at the last second before it was taken. This is the one that was best of both of us.

Friday, June 3, 2011


Tomorrow before (or after) my shower I will take pictures of my house while it it clean, and I will get pictures of myself while I am all dressed up and feel pretty. :) I can't promise I'll remember to post them, but I will take them. Oh, and I'll get one of Brownie while I'm at it, too. I can't remember if I posted one of her yet...

Thursday, June 2, 2011

36 weeks, 6 days (almost 37 weeks)

Sorry there is no picture still. I'm becoming too lazy. :) Today all my students are up in Alexandria Bay having a field trip to Boldt Castle. If I wasn't so big, and about to pop, and had to use the rest room every 10 minutes, I might have wanted to go. They all earned the trip from a contest they had in the early spring. I actually worked hard for it, too. My reward is the day off. :)
Today we also had the internet and cable installed. It's basic cable, so we only get a few channels. If we got more than that I'd feel like I HAD to watch tv all the time to justify paying for it. We got a good price, and now I can update my blog from home.
The boy's room is almost finished. All we need to do is put his crib together. We have it, but the hardware is missing. Andrew's going to call with the model number to see if he can get the parts for it. Anyways, his room is really neat. It doesn't look like a baby's room at all, but more like a fishing cabin.
He is moving around all the time and sometimes it feels like he is trying to stretch out... ouch. I've decided he can come any time now. :) At first I wanted him to wait until after school, but I'm sure the kids won't miss me :) Today would be an especially good day since the only other thing I have to do today is clean the house.. it can wait. :)
I'm in the process of knitting a blanket for him. Yes, knitting. I know I don't knit. I'm using a loom. I know it's cheating. :) He already has a couple of handmade blankets, but I still wanted to make him one from myself. It's made from like super bulky weight yarn, so it's really thick.
I have one more baby shower, this Saturday. It's at my house, and it's for my dad's side of the family. After that, I get to go baby shopping for the things that I need but don't yet have. I love baby shopping. Actually, first Andrew wants to wait until Gananda days to see if we can get anything cheaper. Normally I would be all for that, but I'm too excited and anxious! So, we'll see. He'll probably get his wish because I sill have one more week of school, so I'll be busy.
Alright, I'm bringing this to a close. Mostly because my battery started yelling at me to plug in, so I am sitting very uncomfortably on the laundry room floor so my computer didn't shut down on me. It's the only available outlet. :) So, if I can get up, I think I'm ready to finish cleaning.. unless the boy decides to come sometime soon... I won't get my hopes up though.

Friday, May 13, 2011

34 weeks

Well I know it’s been a long time since my last post, but a lot has happened! Plus, I have no internet connection at the house. :) So anyways, I am typing this up on my computer, on Word, and will put it onto a flash-drive and take it (or even easier, my computer) to someplace with internet. Everything’s going good, and I feel fine. I have normal (says the midwife) puffy ankles and I am tired a lot.

Our house is going good, too. It is mostly put together. There are just a few things that need to be finished, but it’s taking a while to get to them. When I get ambition I will take pictures. All that really needs to be done is:
• Staining in the kitchen
• Hanging two ceiling lamps
• Putting trim on our bedroom closet
• Actually, trim in most of the house :)
• Curtains for the living room
• Café-style curtains for the bathroom and kitchen
• Painting/finishing/hanging shelves in the laundry/pantry room

It seems like a lot, but considering what we’ve done, its almost finished…. Seems that way, and let me keep thinking that. :) All the decorations are up, and I feel at home.

I have three showers coming up starting tomorrow, so then I will get to start re-arranging the house to make room for baby things, and I will get to start getting the boy’s room ready! We’re trying to find a dresser at a garage sale or craigslist. We also have a crib we’re buying from Dave and Katie. Andrew bought and set up a huge fish tank in the boy’s room. We bought seven fish, but one died already. (We had a proper service for him in the toilet.) The boy’s room will have a fishing cabin theme to it. We’re using all Andrew’s old deco from when he was younger. It’ll look really nice. He has fishing nets in there, and I think they were used because Brownie tries to eat them.

I think Brownie feels at home, too. She has her own little seat in front of the window. She sits on the table used for a TV stand, and watches all day long. Oh, I don’t think I have any pictures of her either.

We’re getting very anxious to meet our boy! He keeps kicking me and I can watch my whole belly shift around. Andrew and I were talking about hunting today, and the whole time, it felt like he was jumping around. When the conversation was over, so was the jumping. Seems like he can’t wait for all those hunting trips!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Time for an update, I guess.

Either there's something wrong with my computer or I don't know how to use it. :) I've been trying to post a picture for about 4 weeks. So here's a new picture from last night. Now that my parents are back, I tried posting from their computer. Maybe my computer is sick of looking at my pictures? :)

The boy's been kicking and punching like crazy. Andrew even said that today it felt like he was doing jumping jacks. Usually when I let someone else try to feel him moves he gets shy and stops. Just after they remove their hand, he starts up again :) Such a stinker.

We bought a house and are moving in Saturday. I'll post before and after pictures in a few days hopefully.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Mrs. Geer is wonderful!

She taught me a trick for leg cramps. Thanks for saving my life! :) It's worked on the last 3 cramps I felt coming on. Just wanted to say thanks before I forget.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Updates on the Boy :)

So the day started with packing, lots and lots. Andrew bought me 9 plastic totes. They are all filled to the brim. In an effort to be as organized as possible, I tried to keep like items together. If I had extra room in the tote after all the stuff was in there, I filled the rest with food. So, if I need to quickly get some noodles or tea or bake a cake, it's on the top in one of my totes. Of course I numbered each tote and listed exactly what was inside each one in a notebook. I already had some other totes filled with clothes that were not fitting me until at least summer, so I added them to my filled-tote collection. I now have a wall that looks like it was made out of totes. :) Isn't packing fun? I still have at least 2/3 of my cupboards to empty, and my closets don't even look touched yet. Half of my books are still on the shelf, and my room still looks pretty full. We're hoping to be completely moved out of our apartment by Saturday. Ha. Tell me it's not possible, and I will be determined to prove you wrong. ;) (So please don't tell me it's not, because I don't want to have to do all that work)

After packing I went to Joann's. I haven't been there since I was buying bridesmaid dress fabic! I found lots of goodies. I needed to waste some time before my ultrasound appointment, so I made sure not to miss anything. When I left the store, I sill had about 45 min - an hour until I needed to get going towards my appointment, and I needed to use the bathroom one last and final time before the torture started. Target was right next door, so I got distracted in there for a while, looking at all the cute baby stuff. I saw these adorable little jeans in newborn size!! I was so tempted to buy them! I have to remember though, that I am moving, and all I need is more stuff to move..
I gave andrew the address in the morning before he left for work. He was going to meet me up there. He called me and said that his GPS wouldn't let him punch in Plymouth Ave. It wanted him to specify north or south. I told him that my GPS let me enter it just fine, and to just pick one and see if it works. (I was looking at the cute baby stuff, I wasn't really concerned, I guess. Anyways, he's a big boy and should be able to figure this stuff out on his own, right?) So, a few minutes later he said he was joust going to meet me in Penfield, where I was and we'd drive up together. YAY! I thought. So I kept looking, and after 10 minutes I started heading for the door when all of a sudden some guy was walking with annoying squeaky boots behind me. Ready to give an annoyed look, I turned around, and there was my handsome husband, annoying me on purpose! :)

So we got in the truck and followed my GPS. On the way, just out of curiosity, I pulled out the paper with the address on it, and it said PORTLAND Ave. I am such a blonde sometimes! So, embarassed, I asked if that would be the reason his GPS wouldn't take him to where we were supposed to go. :D hee hee

The water situation was worse this time around. Maybe it was because the boy figured out my bladder makes for a great trampoline? Seemed like it though.

Here's the cute little wiggle-worm. He wouldn't sit still while we were looking at him. You can see his hands up by his face. when we were tring to look right at his face he had his hands clasped together right over his eyes and nose. We're in trouble, though, because he certainly does have ants in his pants.

Andrew felt him kick for the first time over a week ago. It was February 13th. Last night he flet him again, he kept kicking, and Andrew laid his head on my belly, and the boy kicked him rigt on the cheek! It was funny. So yes, we're in trouble. A boy with ants in his pants and a mind of his own. :)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

20 weeks, 1 day

This was me today. We're more than half-way through now. Notice the short-sleeved shirt on a cold, snowy, winter day. I think it's a cross of baby making me hot and a slight fever. I've had an annoying cold since Wednesday night. Yesterday in school I even pulled my hair into a ponytail and took off my sweater, and still was hot!

Jr. (no, his name is not Andrew Jr.) is now the size of a cantalope!It seems like he's been growing a lot lately, but I'm sure this is just the beginning of many years of growth spurts. We get to see him in two weeks. The doctor showed me where I'd feel him moving, and as soon as I walked out of the office he was letting me know how to tell. :) It's like he was saying, "Here, I am, Mom!" He kept reminding me the whole ride home, too.

My email this week said that he can taste what I eat now, too. They respond better after births to tastes they've already had via amniotic fluid. Interesting.

That's about it. Nothing else interesting lately. Abbey asked me to put up a new picture. I had one taken about a week or more ago, but I couldn't remember exactly, so I didn't even know what week to date it. :) It was about time for a new one.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Cute Feet :)

You can't see much here, but it is a foot. My son's cute foot. :) Yes, you read right. It's a BOY! I wanted to post just that it was a boy, but I still wanted to have a picture, so you got a foot. :)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Baby Pictures!

Now isn't that worth holding in a gallon of water?

I know, not really a gallon, and it actually wan't that bad. I didn't even have to go until I got up to hand in the paperwork. I guess I didn't have much to worry about.

She said our baby is very active, and I got to watch him/her move all around. I have to go back in a few weeks for another ultrasound because he/she was laying on his/her back and we could see his/her spinal cord. (No, we're not spilling the beans yet what we're having. Yes, we know, but we're not telling anyone until Andrew's birthday party on Friday.)

The ultrasound changed my due date to June 24th, 10 days later. That gives me a little longer, hopefully, after school ends.

I did ask her to check for another baby, just to satisfy Andrew. :) He wasn't going to give up until the end, he said.

I got to see the baby yawn when we looked at his/her cute little face. -This is hard, keeping from saying what it is. Good thing his party is tomorrow! We checked him/her all over from head to toe.

Then, the baby and I had to make a necessary pit-stop to Lollipop Farm. We decided to look at the cute kitties. Andrew and I went on Saturday, and I was just checking to make sure they still had some. :) After that, we visited the goats, at my parents. Finally, we made it home and enjoed some Chips Ahoy Chunky cookies with some Chocolate Almond milk. :P Yum!

It's Andrew's birthday, and we're going to enjoy some corned beef and cabbage. (I do NOT like corned beef, but it's not my birthday.) That's what he wants, so that's what he'll get. I had Olive Garden for my birthday. Now that I have that alfredo sauce recipe, who needs Olive Garden? Yum, I'm making some more next week. Oh, and since this suddenly became all about food, yes, I did get my Burger King. No, I didn't use a coupon, though. The coupon says that you have to order fries and a drink, but I already had that drink part covered. :) So I had no excuse this time, except that it was on the way, it was lunch time, and I was running early.

P.S. We're back to the size of an onion...

Monday, January 17, 2011

Long Toe Nails :)

Ew, not me, well.. it is getting kind of hard to reach, these days.

At my appointment a few weeks ago the midwife told me that the baby's kicks would feel like a light flick. Many other people say "flutters." Books and websites say many differnt things, and everyone is different. (Great- that's a big help.) Lately, as I try to sit still in the evening and focus on trying to feel some movement, I've been getting frusterated with a twitchy/pinchy feeling. It happens often and then will happen in other areas. I finally mentioned it to someone else and they said THAT was the baby! I've felt it every day for maybe a week. I wanted to make sure before I got excited, or even mentioned it on here, but it still happens everyday, and quite often. It doesn't feel anything like flutters OR flicks. I was saying the Andrew that maybe it's kicking me with its long toe nails. Well I've waited to be excited, but the people I've mentioned it to all say it's probably the baby. Now watch, I'll suddenly feel "flutters" or "flicks." :)

My "sweet potato" becomes another produce item tomorrow, and my ultrasound appointment is on Thursday. Why do I always seem to leave school early on gym days?? Maybe I schedule them like that. :) hehe.. just kidding. They offered it, and I took it.

I started to wonder if I should take any child birthing classes, so I thought I'd read up on them. One site had a bunch of comments and I started reading them, just because I'm curious. Some say they were great and very useful, others say they weren't worth it, and then people also said they wish the had thaken them. That didn't help, and Andrew and I talked about it. He had no idea, so we decided to ask a few people. I asked my cousin first, whois my age, and has a daughter. She said she took a class, it didn't help, but it was just a one-time class. -I wanted at least a few weeks. Still no help. lol. I asked my mother-in-law. She said she took classes but they didn't help, but that was probably because she was a nurse and pretty much was familiar with it. So, I went upstairs to visit Lisa, Andrew's cousin. She said she didn't take classes, and did great. Your body knows what to do, and you have plenty of experienced doctors and nurses in the room to talk to you and to explain things to you. Good enough for me. Also, I know LOTS of people who have gone through the same experience (some many times). We don't have that much free time to spend going to classes anyways. Andrew gets home pretty late, and most classes in the area start by the time he even gets home. Lisa also gave me a little assurance because I want to ATTEMPT to have the baby as naturally as possible- knowing I may change my mind in the process. She told me for her first baby she did it naturally, but for her second, she used drugs. The end result? Same. Drugs or no drugs, when you're holding that baby, the pain's gone. So, I guess it's a little less scary after hearing that.

Well I've typed for way too long and I need to go make some dinner for the baby because it's starting to growl at me! :) Oh! Btw, that alfredo sauce was absolutely wonderful! I could probably eat it every night if I didn't have other cravings! lol. Oh, and if I didn't run out of ingredients. Tonight I'm making hamburger pie. Tomorrow is Tuna noodle casserole. They both sounded good for tonight but the hamburger pie is easier to heat up after music practice tonight. Lasagna sounded really good, too after Brittany mentioned it in school, bt I don't have the parts that belong to that. And, I was so hungry today after work that I stopped at the gas station to get a slice of pizza. Looks like I'll have to start packing more for lunch.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sweet Potato

Now doesn't that sound yummy?! That's how big the baby is this week. Well, to be a little more precise it's about 5 1/2 inches... because the sweet potatoes I bought seem to be almost twice that size. So when I first read that, my eyes probably popped out of my head. :) Mmmm... speaking of food, I'm going to try to re-make last night's dinner. I made homemade alfredo sauce, but messed it up. (I added a wrong ingredient.) All day today though, I've been craving the real thing. I can't wait to go cook! lol (How often do you hear of someone saying that?) I'm hungry at the moment, okay?

Anyways, more about the baby:
Baby's become amazingly mobile (compared to you, at least), passing the hours yawning, hiccupping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking, and swallowing. And baby is finally big enough that you'll soon be able to feel her movements.
-Copied from my weekly email.

My ultrasound is next Thursday! Actually I think I'm more scared than excited. All I can think about is that 32 ounces I'm supposed to hold for an hour. Sounnds painful and uncomfortable to me. So hopefully after that - if I make it through - we'll know if we have a boy or a girl!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Picture: End of week 17

Sweet Vidalia is growing!

I was going to put a comparison shot with my belly and Andrew's but he didn't like the idea as much :)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


No, it's not another weird craving... the baby turned into an onion today! lol... Just kidding. It is now the size of an onion. Andrew says we can call it Vidalia. It's about 5 inches.

Baby's skeleton is hardening, changing from rubbery cartilage to bone, and fat is finally accumulating around it. His umbilical cord is getting thicker and stronger, and those little fingers and toes now feature one-of-a-kind prints. --Copied from the weekly email updates I receive.

I read these emails and keep up-to-date with my What to Expect book, and sometimes it shocks me when I've been feeling a certain way, or something is different, only to read that it's a normal symptom. I've been really breathless and have had a terrible stuffed nose. Soon after I noticed these symptoms I read my book, and they even each had their own section. I haven't had bad, bad symptoms, like morning sickness, :) but I have wonderful food cravings. It's usually Mark's pizza. (Yes, that exact brand) Lately, I've been eating oranges. It may not sound strange to you, but I ate my first orange last week! I have NEVER liked oranges. Another stange thing was that I accidently bought crunchy peanut butter.... and didn't return it. I've been eating it. Now, understand this.. I HATE peanuts. I just can't stand the texture of the nuts. But anyways, strange things have been going on here. lol.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Doctor Appointment

So I got to leave school early today! That was exciting alone, just by itself! I had decided to pack a light lunch that couldn't possibly hold me over for even a half hour - a salad. :) I did that so I'd have an excuse to stop at Burger King as I passed through Macedon :) :) I had a coupon for a free Whopper anyways, so I had a good reason. I wan't hungry enough to stop, though! I couldn't believe my stomach. I was even trying to think hungry thoughts to generate hunger, but it wouldn't work.. So, I passed by and waved.

My appointment was full of fun (NOT) things. Well, there was one fun thing. I got to hear the baby's heartbeat! I haven't felt the baby move yet, but while we were listening, we heard the baby move! That is so fascinating that something can be moving around so much inside your body and you don't even feel it.

The stupidest, and most unwanted part of the appointment was blood test stuff. I knew it was coming sooner or later. I am not a needle person. I do not like to be poked. I could watch someone on tv get decapitated without flinching, but watching somebody on tv get a shot or some other kind of needle thing grosses me out. I know, I am a strange person.

So after the torture of seven thingies of blood I treated myself to a little shopping- Christmas Tree Shop. It was wonderful! I haven't been there in a while, but I managed to find a few things. When I pulled out of the store, I accidently went the wrong way. Ha. But I found another store to visit since I was passing that way anyways, BJ's. I had received a free trial membership that expires at the end of this month. I I stocked up on toilet paper (lifetime supply, lol), some lunch stuff for Andrew, and a book that interested me as I walked by the table - a cookbook of course. (I had found my hunger somewhere back at Christmas Tree Shop.)

Then, I figured out what direction I was supposed to turn out of the parking lot and kept my eyes peeled for a Burger King. Figures that it would be the very last on the way out of a town that seemingly had every fast food place imaginable. I was about to give up hope. lol.

So I have two more appointments scheduled. My ultrasound appointent is in three weeks, and another regular appointent is a few days after. That's all my news for now. The doctor said she didn't think it was twins, though. (That was Andrew's wish)