Sunday, April 3, 2011

Time for an update, I guess.

Either there's something wrong with my computer or I don't know how to use it. :) I've been trying to post a picture for about 4 weeks. So here's a new picture from last night. Now that my parents are back, I tried posting from their computer. Maybe my computer is sick of looking at my pictures? :)

The boy's been kicking and punching like crazy. Andrew even said that today it felt like he was doing jumping jacks. Usually when I let someone else try to feel him moves he gets shy and stops. Just after they remove their hand, he starts up again :) Such a stinker.

We bought a house and are moving in Saturday. I'll post before and after pictures in a few days hopefully.

1 comment:

♥elisabeth joy♥ said...

I'm so excited for you guys, moving into your own house! I can't wait to see it.