Friday, July 15, 2011


It's hard to believe that two weeks ago we were in the hospital ready to have Logan. (I was ready, anyways.... Logan obviously wasn't, yet.) I spent hundreds of dollars on my nice camera, and guess how many pictures I've taken on it these two weeks. Maybe 10. And they were all the same day. I've been spending my time enjoying him, and I forget to take time to remember. I'll definately try to get some pictures and videos in soon. I told Andrew this morning that I needed to try to take a video today. Just to remember. When Abbey was a baby I must have filled 10 video tapes of her. -I was 11 and was a huge dork, but atleast there's something to remember those days. Also, having a newborn is tiring. :) Who knew? ;) Everyone's hid it so well. Either that, or I'm just a big baby.
So far Logan's been to a softball game, Sunday night church, 4 Dr. appointments, one of Momma's Dr. appointments, Wednesday church, a lunch date with Daddy, Goodwill (not fun for babies, he thought), Aldi, and both grandparents' houses. He's just about grown out of newborn diapers. I say just about because I was putting him in the size 1 diapers, but he was going through diapers like they were going out of style, so in a small effort to save as many as possible, I put him back in newborns today. They're not too small yet, just the bigger ones looked like they fit better.
Yesterday we slept from the midnight feeding to 6:15! Yay! Then, he slept until 8:30! Momma's happy about that. Daddy would be, too, but he sleeps through either way. :) I was changing Logan's diaper last night during his midnight feeding, in his room and he was screaming really loud. He wasn't happy about that. I had to change his jammies and onesie also becaue there was something mysterious and wet on them. (It was dark, so I couldn't see.) It was funny, because after about 4 minutes of me and Logan wrestling, in stumbled Andrew, half sleeping. After I jumped a mile and screamed from being startled, he asked why he sounded like he was being murdered. Okay, maybe it's not as funny as I originally thought. I'm not quite sure why I wrote that, but it was kinda a lot of typing so I'm not erasing it. :)
So my Doctor suggested to lose the remaining baby weight I should take a probiotic, drink 80 (yes, 8-0!) ounces of water (every day), and take stroller walks everyday if possible. I still have about 35 pounds to lose if I want to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. I know, though that while I'm nursing I still might not lose the last few pounds.
So, all in all, we're doing good. We're still getting used to all the changes. Abbey's been a big help. She came Tuesday through Friday last week to help with all the cleaning, and with taking care of Logan while I took a nap or two to catch-up on rest from being in the hospital. After delivery, my feet and legs blew up to about 4 times thier normal size, so I had to lay down with my feet above my heart for a few days, at all times, unless I was doing something for myself (ie. bathroom trips) or for the baby (feedings, diaper). That was hard, especially after always trying to keep the house clean and orderly, and coming home and not being able to put stuff away for days! (Actually, that's today's goal. Putting everything else away.)
So, as I rest on the couch with a sleeping, cuddly baby on my chest, I bid you farewell for now. :)

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

That's great that Abbey's been a great help! I helped my sister-in-law last August and stayed for 5 weeks. Abbey really is a wonderful helper.