Sunday, January 29, 2012

Stand Up

This week Logan decided he likes standing! During one of his "real" baths he grabbed a hold of the side of the tub, pulled, rose to his knees, pulled more, and rose to his feet, still holding the side of the tub so his cute little naked butt was sticking in the air! At first I was shoked. Then, I realized, it's probably just a fluke thing. He probably won't do it again for another few weeks. Well, I was proven wrong the next day during a pretnd bath. Now that we're a few days past that, he's got this pulling to a standing position thing down really good. He's outgrown the pretand baths now. He just pulls himself right up, and I can't depend on it occupying him for more than five minutes at a time. He is very happy holding on to your fingers and just standing there. He could be cranky on the floor, all you have to do is pull him up to stand, and he's as happy as a lark. (not even quite sure what exactly a lark is, but I heard someone say that before) He does wobble quite a bit, but I'm not sure if it's instability or dancing. :) Either way, it's still cute!
Also, he's been talking up a storm. Wednesday night, we were sitting together and he was just looking at my face, so I said to him, "Mama." He watched. I repeated. Then, he repeated! We did this over and over. I even recorded it on my phone just in case he didn't do it again, I had proof. He actually did it for a few days, then moved on to "baba". Now he's on "wawa". :) He is so funny, though. I was washing dishes last night while Andrew was holding him, and he was just talking, and talking! Our little boy is growing so fast, I can't even believe it!
Logan is sick again. He's got a nasty cough and runny nose. Andrew and I are sick, too. I'll tell ya what, this is a pain! All three of us have been sick, started to get better, then get worse! We've been following the doctor's orders and giving Logan some vitamin D3 drops, Emergen-c and flushing out his nose. (he doesn't like that part) We went to the doctor's on Friday because he still wasn't getting better, and Logan's being sick makes Andrew really nervous. They used a nebulizer on him and it looks like we're going to have to get one for him to use for a week if he's not better by Monday. That's not fun, either. He's got to wear a mask and sit still for a few minutes. Ha.
Andrew's at church, Logan's sleeping, Brownie's sleeping, and I'm wishing I was sleeping. I made chili for tonight after church. At least I got one thing accomplished!

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