Thursday, January 12, 2012

Poor boy

Logan doesn't feel well. Not because he's sick. Because He is teething. Yay. :( (That was sarcasm) So my poor boy isn't happy. He looks like a poor little homeless boy that on one care about because no matter how often I wipe the boogers off his nose and eyes, they still keep coming! :( He would rather keep them there, though than let me clean them.
It started Sunday night. Mrs. Randall was hol.ding him after church and noticed he was warm. When we got home I took his temperature, and it was 101.7! So we gave him tylenol and it went down. Luckily he had a Doctor appointment on Monday at 9AM already scheduled! She looked in his ears and listened to his lungs. She told me she thinks it's just teething. Andrew said it's okay to treat him extra special when he's not feeling well because that's what he would want. :) So my boy is being spoiled and loved. He may not look like it, but he is :)
He is so goofy still, though. We were sitting at the piano, playing and singing. He loves to sing and dance while I play. It must run in the family. Which side? Either, I guess ;)
Oh and I forgot to put the website address :)


Rebekah said...

Oh poor Logan. I hope he feels better soon. :)~Rebekah

Brittany said...

Praying he gets better soon. He looked so sad Wednesday.