Friday, January 21, 2011

Cute Feet :)

You can't see much here, but it is a foot. My son's cute foot. :) Yes, you read right. It's a BOY! I wanted to post just that it was a boy, but I still wanted to have a picture, so you got a foot. :)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Baby Pictures!

Now isn't that worth holding in a gallon of water?

I know, not really a gallon, and it actually wan't that bad. I didn't even have to go until I got up to hand in the paperwork. I guess I didn't have much to worry about.

She said our baby is very active, and I got to watch him/her move all around. I have to go back in a few weeks for another ultrasound because he/she was laying on his/her back and we could see his/her spinal cord. (No, we're not spilling the beans yet what we're having. Yes, we know, but we're not telling anyone until Andrew's birthday party on Friday.)

The ultrasound changed my due date to June 24th, 10 days later. That gives me a little longer, hopefully, after school ends.

I did ask her to check for another baby, just to satisfy Andrew. :) He wasn't going to give up until the end, he said.

I got to see the baby yawn when we looked at his/her cute little face. -This is hard, keeping from saying what it is. Good thing his party is tomorrow! We checked him/her all over from head to toe.

Then, the baby and I had to make a necessary pit-stop to Lollipop Farm. We decided to look at the cute kitties. Andrew and I went on Saturday, and I was just checking to make sure they still had some. :) After that, we visited the goats, at my parents. Finally, we made it home and enjoed some Chips Ahoy Chunky cookies with some Chocolate Almond milk. :P Yum!

It's Andrew's birthday, and we're going to enjoy some corned beef and cabbage. (I do NOT like corned beef, but it's not my birthday.) That's what he wants, so that's what he'll get. I had Olive Garden for my birthday. Now that I have that alfredo sauce recipe, who needs Olive Garden? Yum, I'm making some more next week. Oh, and since this suddenly became all about food, yes, I did get my Burger King. No, I didn't use a coupon, though. The coupon says that you have to order fries and a drink, but I already had that drink part covered. :) So I had no excuse this time, except that it was on the way, it was lunch time, and I was running early.

P.S. We're back to the size of an onion...

Monday, January 17, 2011

Long Toe Nails :)

Ew, not me, well.. it is getting kind of hard to reach, these days.

At my appointment a few weeks ago the midwife told me that the baby's kicks would feel like a light flick. Many other people say "flutters." Books and websites say many differnt things, and everyone is different. (Great- that's a big help.) Lately, as I try to sit still in the evening and focus on trying to feel some movement, I've been getting frusterated with a twitchy/pinchy feeling. It happens often and then will happen in other areas. I finally mentioned it to someone else and they said THAT was the baby! I've felt it every day for maybe a week. I wanted to make sure before I got excited, or even mentioned it on here, but it still happens everyday, and quite often. It doesn't feel anything like flutters OR flicks. I was saying the Andrew that maybe it's kicking me with its long toe nails. Well I've waited to be excited, but the people I've mentioned it to all say it's probably the baby. Now watch, I'll suddenly feel "flutters" or "flicks." :)

My "sweet potato" becomes another produce item tomorrow, and my ultrasound appointment is on Thursday. Why do I always seem to leave school early on gym days?? Maybe I schedule them like that. :) hehe.. just kidding. They offered it, and I took it.

I started to wonder if I should take any child birthing classes, so I thought I'd read up on them. One site had a bunch of comments and I started reading them, just because I'm curious. Some say they were great and very useful, others say they weren't worth it, and then people also said they wish the had thaken them. That didn't help, and Andrew and I talked about it. He had no idea, so we decided to ask a few people. I asked my cousin first, whois my age, and has a daughter. She said she took a class, it didn't help, but it was just a one-time class. -I wanted at least a few weeks. Still no help. lol. I asked my mother-in-law. She said she took classes but they didn't help, but that was probably because she was a nurse and pretty much was familiar with it. So, I went upstairs to visit Lisa, Andrew's cousin. She said she didn't take classes, and did great. Your body knows what to do, and you have plenty of experienced doctors and nurses in the room to talk to you and to explain things to you. Good enough for me. Also, I know LOTS of people who have gone through the same experience (some many times). We don't have that much free time to spend going to classes anyways. Andrew gets home pretty late, and most classes in the area start by the time he even gets home. Lisa also gave me a little assurance because I want to ATTEMPT to have the baby as naturally as possible- knowing I may change my mind in the process. She told me for her first baby she did it naturally, but for her second, she used drugs. The end result? Same. Drugs or no drugs, when you're holding that baby, the pain's gone. So, I guess it's a little less scary after hearing that.

Well I've typed for way too long and I need to go make some dinner for the baby because it's starting to growl at me! :) Oh! Btw, that alfredo sauce was absolutely wonderful! I could probably eat it every night if I didn't have other cravings! lol. Oh, and if I didn't run out of ingredients. Tonight I'm making hamburger pie. Tomorrow is Tuna noodle casserole. They both sounded good for tonight but the hamburger pie is easier to heat up after music practice tonight. Lasagna sounded really good, too after Brittany mentioned it in school, bt I don't have the parts that belong to that. And, I was so hungry today after work that I stopped at the gas station to get a slice of pizza. Looks like I'll have to start packing more for lunch.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sweet Potato

Now doesn't that sound yummy?! That's how big the baby is this week. Well, to be a little more precise it's about 5 1/2 inches... because the sweet potatoes I bought seem to be almost twice that size. So when I first read that, my eyes probably popped out of my head. :) Mmmm... speaking of food, I'm going to try to re-make last night's dinner. I made homemade alfredo sauce, but messed it up. (I added a wrong ingredient.) All day today though, I've been craving the real thing. I can't wait to go cook! lol (How often do you hear of someone saying that?) I'm hungry at the moment, okay?

Anyways, more about the baby:
Baby's become amazingly mobile (compared to you, at least), passing the hours yawning, hiccupping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking, and swallowing. And baby is finally big enough that you'll soon be able to feel her movements.
-Copied from my weekly email.

My ultrasound is next Thursday! Actually I think I'm more scared than excited. All I can think about is that 32 ounces I'm supposed to hold for an hour. Sounnds painful and uncomfortable to me. So hopefully after that - if I make it through - we'll know if we have a boy or a girl!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Picture: End of week 17

Sweet Vidalia is growing!

I was going to put a comparison shot with my belly and Andrew's but he didn't like the idea as much :)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


No, it's not another weird craving... the baby turned into an onion today! lol... Just kidding. It is now the size of an onion. Andrew says we can call it Vidalia. It's about 5 inches.

Baby's skeleton is hardening, changing from rubbery cartilage to bone, and fat is finally accumulating around it. His umbilical cord is getting thicker and stronger, and those little fingers and toes now feature one-of-a-kind prints. --Copied from the weekly email updates I receive.

I read these emails and keep up-to-date with my What to Expect book, and sometimes it shocks me when I've been feeling a certain way, or something is different, only to read that it's a normal symptom. I've been really breathless and have had a terrible stuffed nose. Soon after I noticed these symptoms I read my book, and they even each had their own section. I haven't had bad, bad symptoms, like morning sickness, :) but I have wonderful food cravings. It's usually Mark's pizza. (Yes, that exact brand) Lately, I've been eating oranges. It may not sound strange to you, but I ate my first orange last week! I have NEVER liked oranges. Another stange thing was that I accidently bought crunchy peanut butter.... and didn't return it. I've been eating it. Now, understand this.. I HATE peanuts. I just can't stand the texture of the nuts. But anyways, strange things have been going on here. lol.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Doctor Appointment

So I got to leave school early today! That was exciting alone, just by itself! I had decided to pack a light lunch that couldn't possibly hold me over for even a half hour - a salad. :) I did that so I'd have an excuse to stop at Burger King as I passed through Macedon :) :) I had a coupon for a free Whopper anyways, so I had a good reason. I wan't hungry enough to stop, though! I couldn't believe my stomach. I was even trying to think hungry thoughts to generate hunger, but it wouldn't work.. So, I passed by and waved.

My appointment was full of fun (NOT) things. Well, there was one fun thing. I got to hear the baby's heartbeat! I haven't felt the baby move yet, but while we were listening, we heard the baby move! That is so fascinating that something can be moving around so much inside your body and you don't even feel it.

The stupidest, and most unwanted part of the appointment was blood test stuff. I knew it was coming sooner or later. I am not a needle person. I do not like to be poked. I could watch someone on tv get decapitated without flinching, but watching somebody on tv get a shot or some other kind of needle thing grosses me out. I know, I am a strange person.

So after the torture of seven thingies of blood I treated myself to a little shopping- Christmas Tree Shop. It was wonderful! I haven't been there in a while, but I managed to find a few things. When I pulled out of the store, I accidently went the wrong way. Ha. But I found another store to visit since I was passing that way anyways, BJ's. I had received a free trial membership that expires at the end of this month. I I stocked up on toilet paper (lifetime supply, lol), some lunch stuff for Andrew, and a book that interested me as I walked by the table - a cookbook of course. (I had found my hunger somewhere back at Christmas Tree Shop.)

Then, I figured out what direction I was supposed to turn out of the parking lot and kept my eyes peeled for a Burger King. Figures that it would be the very last on the way out of a town that seemingly had every fast food place imaginable. I was about to give up hope. lol.

So I have two more appointments scheduled. My ultrasound appointent is in three weeks, and another regular appointent is a few days after. That's all my news for now. The doctor said she didn't think it was twins, though. (That was Andrew's wish)