Thursday, February 23, 2012


Is it normal to be sad when you realize your baby will be 8 months already next week? That was the fastest eight months in history.

He's been cruisin' around in the walker.. backwards and sideways of course. why go forwards?

Yesterday was a long day. Usually my dayd go by fast, but the night before, we got very little sleep. He had been doing so good since I started nursing him more, so this was unusual. He also woke up with a really yucky runny nose. So, we all stayed home from church, because Andrew's cold was coming back, too, and he was also tired from the night before, and that makes him sick, also. During Logan's bath he pulled my finger in his mouth (they're fun to chew) and chomped down. It usually hurts, but it felt different this time. There was something poking me. So... when we were dressing him, Andrew brought in a flashlight, covered his eyes, and we saw a little tiny tooth poking through his bottom gum. It's such a cute little tooth! I don't know why, but that just made me so happy to see it poking through his gum. Maybe I thought it was never going to happen? :)

Friday, February 17, 2012

What have we been doing?

It seems like we've spent most of the week right here. Trying to get Logan to gain some weight before Monday. (2/20) I've been feeding him soild foods 5 or six times a day and nursing him after every meal. After a few days of eating that many times, I ran out of ideas of what to eat. So, we've tried a few new things! He loves finger foods now! He eats bananas (if he can catch them) and we've tried pineapple. Last night he tried baked beans! (Now that I think of it, that might explain the gas he had later...) He eats those puffs like a pro! Tuesday night Andrew brought home Taco Bell. He put one of his unopened fire sauce packets on the arm of the couch. With Logan on my hip, I leaned over to give Andrew a kiss, and quicker than lightning he scooped up that packet and had it in his mouth! So, be careful, I think I might have a little pick-pocket on my hands! Neither of us even noitced it was gone!
Also, in the last two weeks I've rearranged the living room 3 times. :) We got a new TV, and if you've seen the old one, you might understand that when you get rid of something that big, you need to move some things around. In normal kid-likeness, Logan likes to play with boxes more than his toys. Today when I came back in the living room from that bathroom I found him on his knees and playing with his box! good thing I came in when I did, because right after that he was completely on top of the box and then toppled over, head first! And just like a boy, I could see the look on his face saying, "That was fun! Let's do it again!" Then what seemed like a few seconds later he was across the room eyeing the dog's bone. Oh boy! He certainly keeps me busy!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Please Pray

Logan has to get some tests done this week. Please pray that everything is okay.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I wonder...

Why is it that whenever you try to work quietly in the kitchen you happen to drop every pot trying to get one out?
Even if I put my grocery list in my purse I still forget to bring it in the store?
How come everytime, without fail, a drink is left on the living room table the dog's tail knocks it across the room?
Why does the baby always seem to miraculously heal himself in the doctor's waiting room?
How is it possible that you can clean all day long and the next day wake up to a messy house?
Why is the baby sickest on days I have to go somewhere?
How did the soft tortilla shells get eaten up so fast? (Made the goop for enchiladas, went to wrap them and only found two shells!)
How is it that I can go to the music store just for one book, and I end up buying 8 books?!
If there is one little tiny object on he floor, the baby WILL find it.
How can the smallest memeber of the family be the biggest bed hog? (Even is he is less than 15 pounds, he can take up half the bed!)