Friday, June 1, 2012

Poppy seed? What's that mean?

So I've been distracted taking care of my baby boy these last few weeks. He's been so busy. He's still too chicken to walk, but gets around really good holding on to furniture. What's the rush, right? :) He definately loves all things boy, already. He's got a sandbox in the back yard that gets lots of use, and a swimming pool, that he's not too sure of yet. He fell in once and he still doesn't trust it. :) We went swimming in the Randall's big pool on Memorial Day and he was happy as long as Momma or Daddy was holding him tight. He is definately turning into a Daddy's boy. First thing he says when he wakes up is "Dod-dy! Dod-dy!" And every bark he hears is responded by "Dog-gy! Dog-gy!" So if we walk by and he calls you daddy or doggy, don't take offense. Those are his favorite words. :) Oh yes, poppy seed... well, that's about how big our baby is right now. :D (insert huge smile) Baby #2 will be here sometime in the winter/early next year. We're quite excited. Last time Andrew and I were able to keep it a secret for almost 2 whole days. We even attended a church function AND church during those two days! This time, we told the whole family within 5 minutes. Lol. Logan's excited, too. He's been telling me he needs someone to play with. :) So I don't know what else i could possibly write that could top that, today.


♥elisabeth joy♥ said...

CONGRADULATIONS!!!!!!!! I'm so happy! If it's a girl I know a great name you can name it!! (and it's NOT Beka). hehe Anyway... YEAH!!!!!! :D

♥ Amy said...

Oh, yeah! I'm SO excited for you two. I mean three. Logan will love having a playmate. :)
I'd say that I hope it's a girl since they are so much fun, but having two boys together is a lot of fun, too, I'm just now finding out. So either way, congratulations!!!
(I'll have to teach Elisabeth how to spell that. ;)

Rebekah said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Soooo happy for you guys!

Michelle said...

Congratulations!!! So I'm a little late in getting the news. How exciting!
As far as the name goes....Elisabeth Michelle has a nice ring to it. I wouldn't even mind that it's not Michelle Elisabeth. :)