How come you never hear someone say, "I'm as busy as a mom with a small baby"? How busy is a bee really anyways? Or a beaver? Or maybe it doesn't help that I volunteer in the school every week and have 7+ piano students.
Logan had a doctor's appointment today. He weighs 13 pounds and some ounces. (I stopped listening after the 13. lol) He rolled over for the nurse, and he has 2 top teeth coming in and one bottom one.
He's really getting so big. He was lounging here, in his boppy seat and he sat himself right up.
We started solid foods about a week and a half ago. Logan has always been a great sleeper. Right about 3 days after bringing him home he slept in 4-hour intervals through the night. At a month he was doing 4-6 hours, at 2 months he was doing 6-8 and every so often 9 hours. About two or three weeks ago he went back to 4 hours. every. night. >:-| Some mothers at church had told me I should try solids. My plan was to start him on solids as late as possible, but if it meant back to normal sleep, I'd try anything. I'm going to try to make his baby foods, but I was so desperate one day that I just went to the store and bought 3 jars of sweet potatoes. (The baby food book I have suggested it was one of the good "first foods") He loved them. Picture above. The second time I fed him, I put the spoon full of food in front of his mouth, and he grabbed my hand, and pulled it in. He knew what to do! He ate his food all up with no problem. After he was done, I put a bottle with water in front of him, on his highchair and he picked it up and put it right in his mouth! Andrew and I just looked at each other with our jaws dropped! How did he get so big so fast?
He's had sweet potatoes, rice cereal, and bananas so far. The doctor gave the okay for other fruits and vegetables, too. Yay for peas! :) Oh, and grandma-great gave him his first ice cream, and the next day he ate sweet potatoes from the table, and some ice cream cake!
Hes trying so hard to tell us stories, it's so funny. He'll look at you, grab your cheeks with his slobbery hands, pull in, and give you a big open-mouthed kiss. I don't think that's what he's intending, but I like to think it. He blows bubbles, laughs, and talks so much now. Bath time has always been his favorite. He'd splash away for hours if I'd let him.
I just got out his 6-9 month size for one piece outfits. The other size was getting a little snug. His pants still fit... his waist it still small, believe it or not.
I spent a lot of money on that nice camera of mine, but I mostly use my phone for pictures now. I need to take a few minutes some day to delete some pictures from my memory card. I'm sure I don't still need the last sportsman dinner or even my bridal shower pictures anymore!!!!!
Oh yeah, that reminds me that Logan had his pictures taken at Sears on Wednesday. I had a coupon for $7.99 to get 26 prints in one pose. What a great deal, right? Even though I just had Julia take pictures last month.I was determined to not let them talk me into getting anything more than that. Ha. Well I can't help it my baby's so darn cute!!! I ended up spending $110. BUT in my defense, I got a smile saver club thingy which gets me a free 8x10 at every visit and buy one get one free Monday through Thursdays. And there's lots of pictures for family and for scrapbooking. That reminds me.... I need to start Logan's scrapbook. Maybe next naptime. :) If I remember.
Oh, and it doesn't help me with my busy-ness issue that I was cleaning my house all week for a party last night. Its messy again already, but it was clean for the party and that's all that counts.
Okie dokie... I typed a lot more than I thought I was going to. It's good though. Now I can forget it and have room in my head to remember other stuff.